“Every-Other Day” Routine
Perform this routine every-other day or at least twice a week with one day or more days of rest between workouts.
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6 minutes of warm-up (walk, bicycle, elliptical, etc. Any low-intensity exercise that will cause you to break a sweat.)
Push – Choose 2 sets x 10 repetitions of any of the following exercises:
Assisted Push-Up (TRX or Horizontal Bar) – strap length: “long”
Dumbbell Chest Press
Low Dumbbell Press
Pull – Choose 2 sets x 10 repetitions of any of the following exercises:
Inverted Row (TRX High-Back / Low back) – strap length: “short”
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
High-Back Dumbbell Row
Squat – Choose 2 sets x 10 repetitions of any of the following exercises:
Squat (Row-Assisted) – strap length: “shortest”
Reverse Lunge (TRX or full Body Weight)
Core Exercises (OPTIONAL)
Pelvic Tilt 1 set x 8 reps
Bridge (Knee, Full, One-Leg, OR Dynamic) 2 times for 30 seconds
Side Bridge (knees bent, full, OR progressed) 2 times for 20 seconds
Hamstring Bridge (low, medium, OR highest resistance) 2 times for 30 seconds
Hip Abduction (Lying, Standing)
External Shoulder Rotation (Dumbbell, Band, OR TRX)
Stretches (OPTIONAL) – Hold each stretch once (per side, where applicable) for 30 seconds
Piriformis/outer thigh (supine, sitting on ground or seated in a chair)
Butterfly/inner thigh (seated or supine)
Hip Flexor Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring and Calf Stretch (Supine / Standing, toes on wall, chest up)