Perform two sets of the following exercises. Choose only one version of each numbered item–it should be challenging enough to cause fatigue without poor form or failure.
1) Plank • knees down OR full, 30 to 60 second hold
2) Bird Dog • 10 reps right / 10 reps left
3) Modified Push-Up • choose one of the above
4) Floor Bridge • 15 reps
5) Single Leg Raise • Left 15 reps / Right 15 reps
6) Rear Delt Band Pull • 10 reps
7) Single Leg Lateral Raise • 15 left / 15 right
8) Single Leg Balance • 10 seconds left / 10s right
9) Squat (Assisted OR full body weight) • 10 reps
10) Reverse Lunge (assisted OR full weight) • 5 reps left / 5 reps right
Hold each stretch 2 times for 30 seconds from a supine position.
Hamstring • (2 x 30 sec Left / 2 x 30 sec x Right)
Single-leg knee tuck • (2 x 30 sec Left / 2 x 30 sec Right)
Piriformis • (2 x 30 sec Left / 2 x 30 sec Right)
Butterfly (Groin / Inner Thigh)
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch • (2 x 30 sec Left / 2 x 30 sec Right)