“Every-Other Day” Routine
Perform this routine as often as every-other day or at least twice a week (minimum one day of rest between workouts).
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Once or twice per week:
20 minute interval training: 6 minute warm-up at a low intensity followed by 2 minute work and rest intervals. Each work interval should be sufficiently intense (resistance, speed, etc.) to cause you to “fail” the talk test. This is the point at which you have to catch your breath every 3-5 words in conversation.
Remaining workout days:
20 minute steady-state training: 6 minute warm-up at low intensity followed by 14 minutes at constant moderate intensity (just below talk test failure).
Dynamic Warm-up (optional pre-tennis routine)
Stationary March – 30 seconds
Hip Circumduction (circles) – six per side in each direction
Reach Across with Back Leg Pivot
Side Step – in either direction 30 seconds (slow set first and then quickly)
Carioca (slow set first and then quickly)
Push – Choose 3 sets x 10 repetitions of any of the following exercises:
[TRX Length: Long] [TRX Length: Long]
Assisted Push-Up (TRX high press OR TRX low press)
Dumbbell Chest Press (High or Low Press)
This exercise is 100% optional: use pillow or incline press if needed
Cable Machine Single Arm Chest Press (high press)
Cable Machine Single Arm Low Press
Pull – Choose 3 sets x 10 repetitions of any of the following exercises:
[TRX Length: Long] [TRX Length: Short]
Inverted Row (TRX High- or Low-Back Row)
One-Arm Dumbbell Row (High- or Low-Back)
[Image not yet available]
Cable Machine Single Arm High Back Row
[Image not yet available]
Cable Machine Single Arm Low Back Row
Squat – Choose 3 sets x 10 repetitions of any of the following exercises:
[TRX Length: extra-short]
Squat (Row-Assisted)
Reverse Lunge (Full Body Weight )
TRX Floating lunge (don’t set back foot down)
Hex bar squat (preferred to barbell back squat)
Single-leg Deadlift (body weight only for now: arms overhead for challenge)
Core Exercises
Pelvic Tilt 1 set x 8 reps
Bird Dog 1 set x 8 reps
Cat/Cow 1 set x 10 reps
Bridge (Knee, Full, One-Leg, or Dynamic) 2 times for 30 seconds
Hamstring Bridge (low, medium, OR highest resistance) 2 times for 30 seconds
Cobra (OR Modified Cobra–elbows on ground under shoulders) 1 set x 8 reps
Hip Abduction (Lying, Standing, OR using TRX)
External Shoulder Rotation (Dumbbell, Band, OR TRX)
Stretches – Hold each stretch once (per side, where applicable) for 30 seconds
Piriformis (and outer thigh)
Butterfly (inner thigh)
BOSU Ball Chest / Shoulder / Cervical Spine
Child’s Pose with Side Stretches
Hip Flexor Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring and Calf Stretch (Supine / Standing, toes on wall, chest up)
I-Y-T (bent over–no weight needed– OR lying on back for passive stretch) – each position for 4 repetitions (12 total)
Ziad notes that barbell chest press is more comfortable than dumbbells for spine. No need to perform press from supine position which may require head/neck support. Added standing one arm cable exercises.
1) Maintain fitness level
2) Lose 6 lbs of fat
3) Improve bench press
Considerations: torn meniscus 1988 / left shoulder injury 2003
Postural deviation: kyphosis/lordosis and forward head (but spine does have adequate ROM in transverse plane)
Weight: 183.1 lbs
Body Fat: 25.7% (more info)
Resting Heart Rate: 68 BPM
Blood Pressure: Left ( 128 / 74 ) Right: (128/76) (more info)