Use an STR, TRX, gymnastic rings, or any stable surface or bar shoulder height or below to perform the following exercises.
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TRX or Stairs
TRX Low Push-up or Countertop Dip
Push-Up-Crunch (“Atomic Push-Up”)
Self-Assisted Handstand Shoulder Press 🤸🏾♀️
Pull with both legs for assistance so as to leave a few reps on reserve when you finish
Foot anchor at shoulder height or slightly higher
Handstand Shoulder Press
Single Arm Push-Up – Note extra wide foot position and neutral, horizontal spine!
Single Leg Push-up. Progressions: feet elevated, left hip abducted.
Much less technical than the single arm push-up but even more resistance on loaded arm!
Inverted Row: High-Back, Low-Back (Open Chain)
45° Inverted Row with Bar (Closed chain) Bend knees for regression!
Inverted Row from a shoulder-height bar
Single Arm Inverted 45° Row / Power Pull
Assisted Squat, Single Leg (Progression, not featured: lean forward and flex ankles to keep shins and trunk parallel & center weight over feet)
Single Leg Squat with step (AKA Single Leg Step-up)
Hold weight on the side of the working leg to shift center of gravity and reduce hip adduction!
Lateral step-up
Lunge: Assisted, Suspended, Floating Curtsy
TRX Lateral (Stepping) Lunge
Core Exercises
Hanging Knee Raise (Hip Flexion)
Hamstring Curl (Medium, or high resistance/hips straight), Runner
Crunch, Oblique Crunch, Mountain Climber, OR Pike
Fully-Inverted Power-Pull, Standing Trunk Rotation
Kneeling Oblique Ab-Roll-Out
Hip Abduction
External Shoulder Rotation (“W’s”)
High Plank Walk to Handstand
Muscle Up (use legs for help on the way up/down)
Targeted Exercises
Biceps Curl: Basic, Clutch, Single-Arm
Leg-Assisted Triceps Extension
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