“Every-Other Day” PPS
Perform this routine every-other day or at least twice a week (minimum one day of rest between workouts).
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Once or twice per week:
20 minute interval training: 6 minute warm-up at a low intensity followed by 2 minute work and rest intervals. Each work interval should be sufficiently intense (resistance, speed, etc.) to cause you to “fail” the talk test. This is the point at which you have to catch your breath every 3-5 words in conversation.
Remaining workout days:
20 minute steady-state training: 6 minute warm-up at low intensity followed by 14 minutes at constant moderate intensity (just below talk test failure).
Push – Choose 3 sets x 10 repetitions of any of the following exercises:
[TRX Length: Long] [TRX Length: Long]
Assisted Push-Up (TRX high press OR TRX low press)
Keep elbows somewhat in front of body and use A-frame or incline bench if helpful.
Dumbbell Chest Press (High OR Low Press)
Pull – Choose 3 sets x 10 repetitions of any of the following exercises:
[TRX Length: Long/Medium] [TRX Length: Short]
Inverted Row (TRX High- OR Low-Back Row)
[TRX Length: extra-short]
Assisted TRX/Low Bar Pull-up
One-Arm Dumbbell Row (High- OR Low-Back)
Squat – Choose 3 sets x 10 repetitions of any of the following exercises:
[TRX Length: extra-short]
Squat (Row-Assisted OR Full Body Weight)
Step-Ups (TRX-assisted, Bodyweight OR Dumbbell-resisted)
Reverse Lunge (TRX-Assisted OR Full Body Weight )
Core Exercises (Optional when body weight Push & Pulls selected)
Pelvic Tilt 1 set x 8 reps
Bird Dog 1 set x 8 reps
Cat/Cow 1 set x 10 reps
Bridge (Knee, Full, One-Leg, or Dynamic) 2 times for 30 seconds
Side Bridge (Knees Bent, or Full) 2 times for 20 seconds
Hamstring Bridge (low, medium, OR highest resistance) 2 times for 30 seconds
Modified Cobra (Sphinx Pose) 1 x 20 seconds
Hip Abduction (Lying, Standing, OR using TRX)
External Shoulder Rotation (Dumbbell, Band, OR TRX)
Stretches – Hold each stretch once (per side, where applicable) for 30 seconds
Piriformis (Outer thigh, supine, seated OR standing)
Butterfly (inner thigh, seated or supine)
BOSU Ball Chest / Shoulder / Cervical Spine
Child’s Pose with Side Stretches
Hip Flexor Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch (lying or standing)
Hamstring and Calf Stretch (Supine / Standing, toes on wall, chest up)
Shoulder Circles (8 circles in both directions)
Considerations [email for access]
Weight: ___ lbs
Body Fat: ___ % (more info)
Resting Heart Rate: __ BPM
Blood Pressure: Left ( ___ / ___ ) (more info)
The best nutritional advice can be summed up as follows:
- Eat food—what your great grandparents would recognize as food, not the stuff in the center aisles of the grocery store)
- Not too much. Eat to 80% satiety. One helpful hack: drink a glass of water before each meal.
- Mostly plants. Whole, unprocessed, and packed with fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals!
- Not to often. Extend your nightly fast as much as possible/convenient. The optimal feeding window for weight loss is likely something like 8am to 2pm.
Credit to Michael Pollan for the first three. The fourth acknowledges the increasingly confirmed benefits of allowing your body to return to a fasted state for several hours a day.
For minor musculoskeletal injuries, remember P.O.L.I.C.E.:
- Protection
- Optimal
- Load
- Ice
- Compress
- Elevate
P.U.F.F. up any sugar or simple carbohydrates you might consume to reduce blood sugar spikes, which result in food comas, pangs of hunger, and fat cell growth.
- Protein
- Unrefined food
- Fat
- Fiber
Nutrient timing will also help you avoid blood sugar spikes. Whenever practical, exercise right before or after a meal.
Pointers for Minimalist Running/Jogging Technique:
- Forefoot/midfoot strike instead of heel
- More frequent steps (120 – 180 steps x min—two to three per second!) and shorter strides
- Soft landings (earplugs will help you hear the ground reactive force)
- Sweep back with your foot to reduce “braking”
- Keep your feet engaged by lifting your arches and centering your ankle over the foot (see short foot exercise)
- To the extent comfortable, keep knees/toes pointed in the direction of travel
- Ramp up this style of running gradually—you’ll feel soreness in muscles you didn’t know you had! Take 1-7 days off from it anytime you need for full recovery and consider using the arc trainers on your rest day(s) instead of the treadmill.